Wednesday 23 October 2013

Ideas for a school magazine-
Key conventions- in a school magazine would be

  • A clear masthead that people would recognize and would stand out when printed on the front page, this would mean it would contrast the main image and also be the largest text on the front cover.
  • A Large image that would be displayed and draw in the reader, this shot would usually be of a person and be a medium close up shot.
  • A starburst/ pug with information that the target audience would be drawn too, this could include headlines of main articles that are in the magazine.
  • A banner running a long the top or bottom of the page to advertise an article in the magazine
These conventions are very important when referring to the visual syntax of the front cover, this means that the readers eyes will follow a clear structure of the page layout.

Target Audience

The target audience for this school magazine is mainly students of plantsbrook school, ages ranging from 11 up to 18, other target audiences may include students who may be thinking about joining the school, or joining the VI form.

Parents, teachers and governors of the school may also be a target audience this means that content has to be appropriate for a wide diverse audience.

The color scheme of the magasine will also have to be appropriate for both sexes and will also have to be relevant to the school, as people from outside the school (non students) may be reading it.


Content that will included in the magazine will be:

  • Relevant information about the school
  • New opportunities for students, parents or non students for example: trips, and extra curricular lessons or activities that may take part both on school grounds or elsewhere.
  • News on exam results, attendance and punctuality
  • Any improvements to the school, including new lunch meals, changes to the building, any new equipment available, and changes in the common room.
  • Interviews with any students or teachers
  • Photos of trips and events that have been advertised in the magazine
Names for the magazine-

  • The VI Former
  • Cromwell
  • Student
  • PB People
  • Brookside
  • PB News
  • PB Academy News

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