Monday 24 February 2014

Page Furniture + Conventions

Page Furniture

Page furniture is an added convention to a page.

This can be any of these;
  • Opinion Box
  • Caption
  • Pull Quote
  • Drop Cap
  • Byline
  • Information Section
  • Boxout

Other conventions

Other conventions may include:
An image where the model is making eye contact with the audience, engaging the reader further.
The Name Of the artist being written about will also be in one of the largest texts of the page.
Before the actually article or interview that is wrote, there will be an introduction in to who the artist is, information describing them and telling the reader who they are.
The article itself is usually informal as it relaxes the reader making it a more enjoyable read.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Research for contents pages

Contents Page conventions

Conventions of a Contents Page

Page Numbers                       
Colour Scheme/ house style(same as front cover)
Information on Articles and specific features of my magazine
Pull Quotes

I looked at various different magazine contents pages before i settled with a distinctive style myself.
I looked at busy and wild contents pages, to minimalist contents, i also looked at styles between double or singles pages for a contents page.
I looked at different layouts and how pictures were used in various was to create a distinctive 'look' for particular magazines.

Monday 3 February 2014

Examples of Possible layouts i could have used for my front cover

Front cover and contents mocks and Development of final front cover front cover

Development of front cover

Contents Mock

Front Cover Mocks

Examples of differences between 2 photo shoots


2nd time round

this was my original plan for photos in my magazine

After the original photo shoot was taken i decided to do a second soon after as the lighting was'nt great in the studio and this made the quality of the photos poor, as you can see from the ones i have taken there were a few photos that were blurred and also no brilliant for magazine photos