Wednesday 8 January 2014

plan for my front cover

Plan for my front cover

In my questionnaire one of the questions compared different styles of layout, for example one example was minimalist, and another very busy with lots of text. Most people preferred the minimalist layout, so i plan to use very little text, with a large image of the artist.
I plan to have the masthead in the top left corner and the head line to overlap the image of the artist in the center of the page, i also plan to use coverlines and a pull quote from an article down the side of the page. I plan to have the background very plain with the main focus point the faces of the model/ models. The background colour will contrast the photo i choose, this way i will create my main focal point.

I am planning to use, red, blacks and whites as my colour scheme as they contrast each other and makes the text easy to read, there will be various styles and sizes of text used, as i want my magazine to be formal but with a laid back twist to it, this is because my target audience age is 16-25.

The magazine name is undecided, but i have narrowed it down to a few names and am in favour of 'WKM' standing for 'we know music'. This will be the biggest text on the page, this way the readers eye will be drawn to it.

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