Monday 9 December 2013

Mood Board
Ideas for my music magazine
Questionnaire results

What are the main features/articles and talking points you 
would like to read about in a music magazine?

What music genres would you like to see in a music magazine?

How much would you be willing to spend on a music magazine?

What advertisement would you like to see in a music magazine?

What's your age?

What are your hobbies?

What style of magazine would you prefer?

Wednesday 4 December 2013

·         What are the main features/ articles and talking points you would like to read about in a music magazine?

·         Top charts  [  ]
·         Information on musical artists; how they began, when was the best point in their career, what are they planning on doing next  [  ]
·         Reviews of albums or singles [  ]
·         Interviews with artists, music producers  [  ]
·         Fashion and what they artists or members of bands are wearing. [  ]
·         Crosswords [  ]
·         Gigs guides [  ]
·         Feedback off other readers [  ]
·         Other:                                                               [  ]

·         What music genres would you like to see in a music magazine?

·         Rap
·         Heavy Metal
·         Folk
·         Acoustic
·         Drum and bass
·         House
·         Pop
·         Garage
·         Hip Hop
·         Rock and roll
·         Grime
·         Britpop
·         Indie
·         Blues
·         R&B
·         Reggae

3.       Who is your favourite artist

·         Of all time:
·         Current artist:

4.       How much would you be willing to spend on a music magazine?

·         1-1.49  [  ]
·         1.50-1.99  [  ]
·         2-2.49  [  ]
·         2.50-2.99  [  ]
·         3-3.49  [  ]
·         3.50-3.99  [  ]
·         4-4.49  [  ]
·         4.50-4.99  [  ]
·         5 or above [  ]

5.       What advertisement would you like to see in a music magazine?

·         Clothing [  ]
·         New artists products [  ]
·         Music equipment [  ]
·         Subscriptions [  ]
·         Hair products [  ]
·         Other:

6.       What’s your age?

·         16-20 [  ]
·         21-25 [  ]
·         26 [  ]
·         30 [  ]
·         31-35 [  ]
·         36-40 [  ]
·         40 or above [  ]

7.       What’s your occupation?

8.       What are your hobbies?

·         Sports [  ]
·         Making music [  ]
·         Chess [  ]
·         Sailing [  ]
·         Listening to music [  ]
·         Dancing [  ]
·         Reading [  ]
·         Socialising [  ]
·         Shopping [  ]
·         Gym [  ]

What style of magazine would you prefer?

Sunday 1 December 2013

Front cover photos

a few examples of Photos that could be used on a front cover

These photos that i have taken from the internet are of individual artists and also groups for example - swim deep or the stone roses. These photos could be used for cover photos on a magazine for a few reasons. In all of these photos, the models being photographed are all looking in to the camera lens (apart from if sunglasses are being worn), this draws the viewers attention in. most of the images are close ups or medium close ups on shots of individuals, other shots include medium shots/ wide shots/ establishing shots, or shots that use the fish eye effect (Radiohead image)
Some images use effects such as black and white or sepia tones, some has high amounts of contrast and some use various different lighting to create a certain look.
The back ground is also very important, backdrops, studio sets, outdoor settings and natural backgrounds can be used to represent certain genres of music for example the backdrop/ setting on the 'professor green' and 'Devlin' image are of what seems to be a street and a garage door, this is representing view and image of 'rap' and 'grime' music.